Hire CNAs who synergize with your care team.

The main role of a certified nursing assistant is to enhance the comfort of patients under their care. They do this by combining compassion and helpfulness with round-the-clock help in daily activities. In long-term care facilities, patients rely on them as their main caregiver. A CNA does the following duties:

  • Monitor the patient’s health condition
  • Help with grooming, bathing, and dressing
  • Assist patients with eating healthy meals
  • Gather information about treatment plans with other members of the healthcare team
  • Turn and reposition bed-bound patients to reduce the risk of pain and ulceration
  • Change sheets and sanitize patient areas
  • Collaborate with licensed practical nurses through accurate communication

Finding the ideal CNA is difficult, so call on a staffing agency that connects you with those who have the training, skills, and personal qualities to elevate your quality of care.

When it comes to stringent staffing solutions, trust Superior Healthcare Staffing to match your agency or facility to the best healthcare staff possible. It is our primary goal to make quality healthcare easily accessible to the community. Thus, when you partner with us, we do our best to make the staffing process easier so you can focus on the quality healthcare services you offer.

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